What is meant by 'a new or expectant mother?
A new or expectant mother is a woman who is pregnant, has given birth within the last six months or is breastfeeding.
What is the legal definition ‘given birth’?
‘Given birth’ is described in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (the Management Regulations) as having ‘delivered a living child or, after 24 weeks of pregnancy, a stillborn child’.
What is a risk assessment?
Independent Contractors (and anyone else who could potentially be affected by their work) have a right to be protected from harm. A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of the harm which could be caused through any work activity. This helps Old Windsor Logistics Ltd check whether appropriate control measures are in place, or if they need to do more to prevent harm. If any significant risks are identified, then the risk assessment must include an assessment of such risk.
Any significant findings from the assessment will be written down. This will then be used to help manage work risks and communicate them to all independent Contractors.
How we conduct a risk assessment for pregnant Independent Contractors?
Our risk assessment takes into consideration all risks to a female independent contractor of childbearing age and, in particular, risks to new and expectant mothers (for example, from working conditions to their physical wellbeing). Any risks identified are written down and included into the assessment. So appropriate, sensible actions can be taken to reduce, remove or control them.
The assessment takes in to consideration all risks to the health and safety of new or expectant mother, or that of her baby.
Possible risks include:
Physical agents
Movements and postures
Manual handling
Shocks and vibrations
Loading a load and securing it
Biological Agents
Infectious diseases
Chemical Agents
Coming in contact with Hazardous damaged shipment
Carbon monoxide
Facilities (including rest rooms)
Mental and physical fatigue, working hours
Stress (including post-natal depression)
Passive smoking
Working with visual display units (VDUs)
Working alone
Personal protective equipment
Daniel Sheehy